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There’s an opportunity in every breath
Our purpose
Breath is for everybody. For the ones who feel burned out, depressed or tired…but also for those who are content, satisfied and thriving - your breath is always with you.

Every breath you take is an opportunity to reach one step closer towards your goals.Breath control can help you reach those goals. 

The natural phenomenon of breathing is packed with energy, so make use of it. Glimp wants to help you tap into this power.

Healthy habits make a resilient society


In today’s fast-paced world, we have put breathing in the back seat. Unlike the ancient days where slow paced breathing was common practice, today we don’t even know the basics on how-to-breath. Epidemic burnout and employee absenteeism records show an immediate need to “catch our breath” – the right way!Daily breathing exercises are effective in training stress-resilience. Our vision is to make this fast-paced society resilient, by starting with the basics - helping you to catch your breath!

Helping people breathe better

Our mission

Who taught you how to breathe correctly?

80% of humans breathe too fast, leading to unnecessary stress (Emma Ferris, 2021). 
Our breathing is the gateway to listen to the signals of our body, signals we often ignore. We believe functional breathing is fundamental to every mental health practice.

We’re servicing our mission in 3 manners:

Prevent not cure

Glimp aims to innovate within the healthcare system, the future is within prevention.

Glimp’s program is all about training stress resilience through breathwork. We promote vitality, enhance emotional wellbeing, reduce absenteeism for employers and improve productivity for employees.

Bringing data science to mental health

Breathwork is a powerful and universally accessible tool, which can serve society in its battle against mental health issues. Until now, it remained difficult to scientifically prove its effectiveness. This hindered the destigmatisation of such interventions.

Glimp uses AI and data science to promote evidence-based breathwork interventions and data-driven mental healthcare.

Teaching breathing techniques

Glimp aims to widely educate individuals about the transformative power of breathing.

Our first product, the Pebbles, aims to teach people breathing techniques in an easy, intuitive and accessible manner. But this is just the beginning!

Our Culture


Glimp is a young, ambitious, mission-driven startup. We create societal impact through innovating within the mental healthcare sector. To do this, we have a diverse and talented team with expertise in product design, software, and healthcare.


One can only help others, if he takes care of himself first.Mental health is a top priority for us, it’s always okay to have an off-day and you’re free to work whenever, and wherever you want.


Only by being sincere and honest to each other, we can truly move forward.


Don’t say ‘no’ in brainstorms. Bring your own unique self and your unfiltered ideas; together we will make something beautiful out of it.

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Enthusiastic individuals working on breathing

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We bring our expertise